


Jason Litzenberg

Jason Litzenberg

Director of the Intensive English Communication Program
Teaching Professor of Applied Linguistics

Jason Litzenberg has a Ph.D. in applied linguistics and ESL from Georgia State University.  He has over twenty years experience teaching English and applied linguistics in Germany, the United Arab Emirates, Ecuador, and the United States. In addition to teaching, Jason has also served as a teacher trainer, mentoring practicum students and guiding new teachers through the processes of developing lesson plans that address the curricula and course outcomes of the program. Jason served as Director of the English Language Program at Yachay Tech, a sciences and technology university in the Andes Mountains of northern Ecuador, from 2014–16.  Since 2016, Jason has been at the Intensive English Communication Program (IECP) at Penn State.

Selected publications:

  • 2023 (in press). Litzenberg, J. (Ed.) From Start to Future: Innovation in University-based Intensive English Programs. Multilingual Matters.
    2023 (in press). Litzenberg, J. and Kim, M. “ELI, ELP, or IEP? Tracing the growth of an industry”. In: Litzenberg, J. (Ed.), From Start to Future: Innovation in University-based Intensive English Programs. Multilingual Matters.
  • 2023. Litzenberg, J. and Fraser, A. “‘The least stable form of employment’: Searching for professional security after the MA-TEFL”. Globalisation, Societies and Education.
    2023. Litzenberg, J. “Review of English Language Program Administration: Leadership and Management in the 21st Century, M. Christison & F. Stoller (Eds).” Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 65: 101289.
  • 2023. Litzenberg, J. “Intensive English Program ecology: Decolonizing ‘from within the cracks’”. ELT journal, 77(3), (pp. 357-65) (Special issue, Canagarajah, S. (Ed.)).
  • 2021. Litzenberg, J. “Innovation, Resiliency and Genius in Intensive English Programs: Decolonializing Recruitment and Contradictory Advocacy”. Applied linguistics. doi:10.1093/applin/amab015
  • 2021. Tankosic, A. and Litzenberg, J. “Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian: Inherent Translanguaging in the Linguistic Landscape of Sarajevo”. European journal of applied linguistics, 9(2). (forthcoming)
  • 2020. Litzenberg, J. “‘If I don’t do it, somebody else will’: The covert neoliberal policy discourses in the decision-making processes of an IEP”. TESOL Quarterly, 54(1), 823-45.
  • 2019. Litzenberg, J. “Achieving accord in the status discord of English language teaching”. PAIS newsletter (Sept 2019 issue).
  • 2018. Litzenberg, J. “‘Official language for intercultural ties’: Cultural concessions and strategic roles of Ecuadorian Kichwa in developing institutional identities”. Linguistic Landscapes, 4(2), 153-77.
  • 2016. Lindemann, S., Campbell, M., Litzenberg, J., and Subtirelu, N. “Explicit and implicit training for improving native English speakers’ comprehension of nonnative speech”. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, 2(1), 93-107.
  • 2014. Litzenberg, J. “Pre-service teacher perspectives towards pedagogical uses of non-native and native speech samples”. International Journal of Applied Linguistics. 24, n/a. doi: 10.1111/ijal.12084
  • 2014. Lindemann, S., Litzenberg, J., and Subtirelu, N. “Problematizing the dependence on L1 norms in L2 pronunciation teaching: Attitudes toward second-language pronunciation” In: Moyer, A. & Levis, J. (eds) Social Influences in L2 Pronunciation (pp. 171-94), De Gruyter Mouton.

Selected presentations:

  • 2021. Litzenberg, J. (Presenter). Global Language, Local Standards. La Salle College Teacher’s Conference. Quito, Ecuador.
  • 2021. Litzenberg, J. and Madany, M. (Co-presenter). Developing Translingual Practices via Family Games. TESOL. (Virtual).
  • 2020. Algren, M., Bass, B., Litzenberg, J. (Co-presenter). Lower Enrollments: Changes, Challenges and Innovations. UCIEP Annual Director’s conference.  Bandera, TX.
  • 2018. Litzenberg, J. (Presenter). A story, tool, and proposal: Developing a guise-based attitudes study of the linguistic landscape. Applied Linguistics Roundtable, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA.
  • 2018. Litzenberg, J. (Presenter). I’m a native speaker.  So what?. Centro Ecuatoriano-Norteamericano (CEN), Guayaquil, Ecuador.
  • 2017. Litzenberg, J. (Plenary). The 21st century dilemma of being a native speaker of English. COPEI 8th International Congress, Guayaquil, Ecuador.
  • 2017. Litzenberg, J. (Plenary). Linguistic landscapes as a pedagogical tool: Imagining the opportunities. COPEI 8th International Congress, Guayaquil, Ecuador.
  • 2017. Litzenberg, J., Decker, K., Shatkin, L., and Williams, C. (Panel discussion). The parallel development of two Ecuadorian language programs. TESOL. Seattle, WA.
  • 2017. Litzenberg, J. (Presenter). Developing sociolinguistic awareness through linguistic landscapes. Applied Linguistics Roundtable, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA.
  • 2016.  Litzenberg, J. and Avila Herrera, S. (Co-presenter).  Student perspectives towards international English: Insights from an Ecuadorian EFL needs analysis.  AAAL.  Orlando, FL.
  • 2016.  Litzenberg, J. (Presenter).  Visual Semiotics in the Branding of a Glocal Institutional Identity.  AAAL.  Orlando, FL.
  • 2016.  Litzenberg, J. (Presenter).  Preparing teachers (to prepare students) for successful communication.  IA-TEFL.  Birmingham, England.
  • 2014.  Litzenberg, J. (Presenter).  Reconceptualizing proficiency for lingua franca communication.  AAAL.  Portland, OR.

Di Liang

Assistant Director of the Intensive English Communication Program
Assistant Teaching Professor of Applied Linguistics

Di Liang has a Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction from Penn State. Di joined the Intensive English Communication Program (IECP) as Assistant Director in 2023. He has taught academic English courses and TOEFL, IELTs, and SAT preparation courses in China and the United States. He received an master of education degree in foreign language education from the University of Pittsburgh and a bachelor of arts degree in English from Chengdu University of Technology, China. Prior to the IECP, Di held roles as an instructor, teacher educator, researcher, and student teacher supervisor in College of Education at Penn State. He has also served as an instructor of undergraduate-level Chinese language classes at the University of Pittsburgh. Di’s current research interest situates at the intersection of language education, teacher education, and social justice.

Selected Publications

  • Liang, D., & Cao, X. (2023). A day in the life of an English teacher: Narratives from English language teachers in a rural primary school in China. In P. C. Iida, E. Mikulec, & M. F. Agnello (Eds.), English language education in rural contexts: Theory, research, and practices (pg. 63-83). Brill. DOI: 10.1163/9789004549647_005
  • Liang, D., & Cao, X. (2022). Teacher online ELT experiences in a rural primary school in China during COVID-19 pandemic. In C. N. Giannikas (Ed.), Transferring language learning and teaching from face-to-face to online settings (pg. 130-151). IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8717-1.ch007
  • Han, S., Liang, D., & Haneda, M. (2021). A case study of two South Korean middle school EFL teachers’ practices: Instructional stances and use of classroom materials. Classroom Discourse, 12(1-2), 56-74. DOI: 10.1080/19463014.2020.1869572

Selected Presentations

  • Liang, D. (2023). Reconceptualizing the “world” in World Language education: Teaching through the lens of social justice. The 2023 American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference, Portland, OR.
  • McCausland, J. D., Liang, D., Cunningham, A., & Whittington, N. (2023). Pain, vulnerability, and joy in the learning of novice teacher educators. The American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2023 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
  • Liang, D., Luo, Y., & Haneda, M. (2022). Enacting dialogic teaching through embodied actions: A case of one U.S. elementary school teacher. The 2022 American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Cao, X., & Liang, D. (2022). Teaching English during COVID in a rural Chinese primary school. The TESOL 2022 Convention & English Language Expo, Pittsburgh, PA.
Image of Asantha U. Attanayake

Asantha U. Attanayake

Adjunct Teaching Faculty

Asantha has a doctoral degree in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, India. She was a Fulbright Advanced Research Scholar at Penn State University. She is also a HKSEE alumna at Harvard University. She has a bachelor of arts degree from the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, bachelor of education degree from the National Institute of Education, Sri Lanka and a master of arts degree (in Linguistics) from Kelaniya University, Sri Lanka. She has about fifteen years of experience in teaching ESL mainly in Sri Lanka and in India as well. She is also experienced in curriculum design for undergraduate ESL and TESL programs.

She is an award-winning translator and a creative writer. She has three novel translations (from English into Sinhala, her mother tongue) and a collection of poetry to her credit. Currently, she is compiling her memoirs, Living in Sri Lanka with a White Husband.

Selected Publications


Attanayake, A.U. (2019). Post-colonial Curriculum Practices in South Asia: Building Confidence to Speak English. Routledge Publishers, UK.

Attanayake, A, U. (2017). Undergraduate ELT in Sri Lanka: Policy, Practice and Perspectives for South Asia. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK.

Journal articles and book chapters:

Attanayake, A, U. (2024). (Forthcoming) “Ground-level Realities in Learning in the Medium of English: The Sri Lankan Experience”. Equity, Social Justice and EMI in South Asia. Springer, UK.

Attanayake, A, U. (2022). “Confidence to Speak English: A Necessary Ingredient for Students in Post-colonial South Asia”.     The English Classroom, A Peer- Reviewed Bi-annual Journal Vol 24(2), Regional Institute of English, South India Jnanabharati Campus, Bengaluru, India.  1-16.

Attanayake, A, U. (2021). “Language Attitude Anxiety and Lack of Confidence to Speak English”. ELT Research; The Newsletter of the IATEFL Research Special Interest Group. Issue 36 (February 2021). IATEFL. UK. 64-74.

Attanayake, A, U. (2020). “Construction, Consumption, and Representation of White Supremacy in Sri Lankan Advertisements: Living White While Being Non-White.” Media Culture in Trans/national Asia: Convergences and Divergences, edited by Hyesu Park, Rutgers University Press USA.

Attanayake, A, U. & Barborich, A, L. (2019). “Ethics, East and West: The importance of English language and cross-cultural philosophical dialogue.” Panini: NSU Studies in Language and Literature, Vol. 8, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh: 111-148.

Attanayake, A, U. (2017). “English Cultural Imperialism and Confused Nations.” Indian Cultural Heritage: Past, Present & Future. Utkal University, India. 9 – 17.

Attanayake, A, U. (2016). “Confidence Building is Central to the English Language Teaching in Sri Lanka.” In Mishra, P. Mishra, B. & Patil, K. (eds.) Vital Issues in English Language Teaching: Papers in Honour of Professor Z. N. Patil. Yking Books, India. 78 – 89.

Attanayake, A, U. (2012). “Towards English for Academic Purposes.” In Walisundara, D & Jayasinghe, C. (eds.) in Two Hundred Years of English Language Use in Sri Lanka: Trajectories of Language. Literature and Pedagogy. Sri Lanka, SLELTA. 85 – 92.

Chelsea Benton-Monahan

Chelsea Benton-Monahan

Academic Programming Coordinator
Assistant Teaching Professor

Chelsea is an adjunct lecturer for both the IECP and the ESL/EAP program in Applied Linguistics. She graduated from Penn State in 2017 with a master’s degree in TESL, where she focused on language policy in Morocco. Her experience includes seven years of working in student-support roles at Penn State in the Office of Global Programs and Smeal College of Business, as well as three years teaching English in Meknes, Morocco. She is very passionate about languages, and knows French and Moroccan Arabic. She has only recently begun teaching again and is thrilled to be back in the classroom, where she hopes to grow both professionally and personally.


Makoni, S. & Abdelhay, A. (2020). Contributed chapter entitled “Berber Language Policy in Morocco” in Language Ideologies, ethnicities, and semiotic spaces of power. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon-Twine.

Jill Fleming

Jill Fleming

Jill spent most of her career in a high school classroom. After teaching many international students she received her master’s degree in ESL from Wilkes University and was able to run the ESL program at the school. She is very excited to join IECP and use her years of experience in a new way!

Diana Forry

Diana Forry

Adjunct Teaching Faculty

Diana attended Penn State Altoona as an undergraduate student where she received bachelor’s degrees in criminal justice and English. Then, Diana attended the Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) and completed a master’s degree in English composition and literature. Currently, she is working on her dissertation about twentieth and twenty-first-century African American literature as she works to complete her doctorate. In her free time, Diana loves playing and coaching soccer.


Ahmad A. K. Ali

Adjunct Teaching Faculty

Ahmad has a master’s degree in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL). He is a doctoral candidate in Curriculum and Instruction (Language, Culture, and Society) at Penn State College of Education. Ahmad has been teaching English to EFL learners since 2013. His Ph.D. research focuses on the use of L1 in Foreign language teaching and learning, especially in teacher education. His research interests also include language teacher education, sociocultural theory, language assessment, and teacher professional development.


Hala M. M. Salem

Adjunct Teaching Faculty
Hala is a second-year Ph.D. candidate in the Curriculum and Instruction program, (Language, Culture, and Society) in the College of Education at Penn State. She earned her master’s degree in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) from Egypt in 2020. Hala has gained extensive experience teaching English to EFL learners since 2015. Her research interests include the use of dialogic pedagogy in both L1 and L2 within EFL teacher education, with a focus on empowering students by amplifying their voices and fostering agency. She is also interested in sociocultural theory, teacher professional development, and language teacher education.
“Every one of us is given the gift of life, and what a strange gift it is. If it is preserved jealously and selfishly, it impoverishes and saddens. But if it is spent for others, it enriches and beautifies.” — Geraldine Ferraro

Nikki Mattson

Coordinator of Strategic Initiatives, IECP
Teaching Professor of Applied Linguistics
Faculty Associate, The Global Engagement Community (GEC)
Global Learning Coordinator, Experiential Digital Global Engagement (EDGE)

Nikki Mattson has been a faculty member at the Intensive English Communications Program (IECP) at The Pennsylvania State University (PSU) since 2009. She currently serves as the Coordinator of Strategic Initiatives for the IECP in addition to being a Teaching Professor in the Department of Applied Linguistics. She holds her M.A. in Linguistics and a Certificate of Graduate Study in TESOL from the University of South Carolina. She also holds a DELF (diplôme d’études en langue française) from Université Marc Bloch, Strasbourg, France. Nikki is dedicated to supporting campus internationalization efforts as well as global engagement in the classroom, on campus, and beyond. Nikki is a co-founder and advisor for the PSU Living-Learning Community, the Global Engagement Community. She also serves as a Global Learning Coordinator (GLC) for PSU’s Experiential Digital Global Engagement (EDGE) Program. Her research interests include intensive English program oral placement test validation, evaluating computer-assisted language learning (CALL) usage in second language (L2) classrooms, and internationalization in higher education.

Selected recent scholarship:

Mattson, N. & Gianico, J. (2024). Behold-Remold: Navigating and Innovating Liminal Spaces as an IEP Practitioner-Administrator-Scholar (PAS). In J. Litzenberg (Ed.), Innovation in University-Based Intensive English Programs: From Start to Future (pp. 116-131). Bristol, Blue Ridge Summit: Multilingual Matters.

Mattson, N., McGeary, B., Riehman-Murphy, C., Litzenberg, J., Benton-Monahan, C., Liu, T….Luo, Y. (2023, May). Sustainable Development in an Intensive English Program (IEP): A Programmatic and Curricular Transformation Supported by OER. Panel Presentation at Affordable Learning Pennsylvania (APLA) Summit, State College, PA. 

Cruz, L., MacQuarrie, T.L., and Mattson, N. (2022, October). The EDGE Umbrella: Fostering Convergent Research on Global Exchanges. Presentation at AAC&U Global Learning Conference: Transforming Global Learning Practice: Time for Action. Virtual. 

MacQuarrie, T.L., Mattson, N. and Likholetov, V. (2021, December). EDGE collaborations: Moscow State University and Penn State University. Presentation for Moscow State University faculty meeting. Virtual, Invited. 

MacQuarrie, T.L., & Mattson, N. (2021, November). Virtual exchange: Bridging student cultures and promoting peer-based learning. Presentation for the U.S.-Russia University Virtual Partner Program, American Councils on Education. Virtual, Invited. 

MacQuarrie, T. L., Mattson, N., and Doran, M., (August 23, 25, 30, and September 3, 2021). Virtual exchanges: Bridging student cultures and promoting peer connection. Workshop series for American Council on International Education. Virtual, Invited. 

Mattson, M., and Mattson, N. (2021, June). Working toward campus internationalization through inter-departmental collaboration. Poster presentation at NAFSA 2021 Annual Conference and Exposition. Virtual.

Cherkassov, D., Mattson, N., and Childs, S. (2020, September). The mentoring process: Enriching professional growth for English language teachers and teacher educators. Presentation at the 9th ICBCB: Global Trends and Values in Education, Virtual Conference, Kaskelen, Kazakhstan.


Foto Daniel Murcia

Daniel Murcia Quintero

Graduate Teaching Assistant
Daniel Murcia Quintero is a Fulbright MinCiencias Ph.D. scholar in the Applied Linguistics program of the College of the Liberal Arts at Penn State.  Daniel holds a bachelor of arts degree in English language and an master of arts degree in linguistics, he has taught for 15 years courses related to second language and language research, language assessment, and discourse analysis courses at Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Colombia. His academic work and research interests include Language Assessment, Automated Writing Assessment, and Discourse Analysis within the field of Artificial Intelligence.

John Romero Mora

Graduate Teaching Assistant

John Romero-Mora is a Ph.D. student in applied linguistics at Penn State. He obtained his bachelor of arts degree in modern languages at Universidad Javeriana in Colombia, and his first master of arts degree in teaching English in autonomous learning environments at Universidad de la Sabana. He also holds an master of arts degree in TESOL from West Virginia University with a certificate in linguistics. He has many years of experience as a language instructor which made him fond of different topics related to language and language learning including corpus linguistics, identity, and language assessment. However, his main research interest is autonomous language learning, discourse analysis and the use of technology for the development of better educational practices in the language classroom. His current research investigates the relationship between decision-making and language learning.

Vincent Searfoss

Vincent Searfoss

Adjunct Teaching Faculty

Vincent has a bachelor’s degree in Mandarin from Penn State University Park and a master’s degree in Applied Linguistics from Dalian University of Technology, where he conducted research in the field of comparative linguistics. He has taught ESL in Beijing, Dalian, and Harrisburg, and has nine years of experience teaching students at the high school, university, and adult level. Vincent relies on his international education to inform his teaching methods and he enjoys learning from students of diverse backgrounds.

Elanur Sonmez

Elanur Sönmez

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Elanur Sönmez is a second-year Ph.D. student in Applied Linguistics at Penn State. She earned her master of arts degree in foreign language education from Boğaziçi University, Turkey, in 2021, where she also completed her bachelor of arts degree in 2018. Elanur has several years of experience teaching general, vocational, and academic English to university students in multicultural and multilingual classrooms. Her research interests include the intersection of multilingualism, migration, and identity, with a particular focus on how identity and agency are constructed in multilingual interactions. She is also interested in the identity construction of minoritized groups and how this is expressed through their speech.



Abby Johnson

Administrative Assistant
Emily Walter

Emily Walter

Educational Program Coordinator

Academic Support

No Staff Available